Frequently Asked Questions
What is Bilingual Therapies?
Bilingual Therapies is the leading provider of bilingual school-based professionals. We are a recruiting company that is committed to providing school district with bilingual and monolingual school professionals who have a passion for helping every child succeed. We help schools in diverse communities across the country connect with talented, caring bilingual professionals. In addition, our team is committed to providing our bilingual professionals with the resources they need to excel in their career.
What is the benefit of being a part of the Bilingual Therapies forum community?
The Bilingual Therapies team is more like family. We understand the value of community and communication. By being a part of the Bilingual Therapies forum community, you are choosing to become connected with school-based professionals just like you from across the country. The goal of this forum is to share thoughts, ideas, and conversations amongst fellow SLPs to help one another grow in your careers.
Who is this forum for?
This forum is meant for bilingual and monolingual SLPs currently working in school-based settings.
How do I reset my password?
- If you don't know your current password and need to reset it:
- Go to the forum and click on the log in button at the upper right.
- On the login modal, click on "I forgot my password" below the password field.
- In the modal that appears, enter your username or email address, then press "Reset Password". This will send you a password reset email.
- Click on the link at the bottom of the email.
- Enter a new password on the Choose a password form, then click "Set Password".
- If you do know your current password and can log in to the forum:
- Once logged in, go to the upper right and click on your profile image.
- Then click on the profile tab from the menu that appears.
- Go to Preferences, then Security.
- Click on "Send Password Reset Email". This will send you an email with a link to set a new password.
- Click on the link at the bottom of the email.
- Enter a new password on the Choose a password form, then click "Set Password".
How do I create an account?
- Either go to the forum and click on sign up at the upper right or directly to
- Enter a valid email address.
- Enter a username you would like to use, followed by your full name, a password that you would like to use to log in.
- Answer the questions below by indicating yes or no from the drop downs.
- Read and check that you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service, then click "Create your account".
- Check your email (including the spam folder) for instructions on how to activate your new account.
How do I search for something?
- Using the quick search:
- At the upper right side of the forum, click on the magnifying glass to show the quick search bar.
- For a simple search, simply start entering specific words to help locate topics, categories, tags, and users.
- Using advanced search:
- At the upper right side of the forum, click on the magnifying glass to show the quick search bar.
- When simple search appears, click on the filter icon to the right of the simple search bar.
- From the advanced search page, enter words that you would like to search for.
- From here you can simply filter by topics, categories, tags, and users.
- Click on the advanced filters link to expand even more filters to search by.
How do I reply to a post?
- Press any
Reply button to open the editor panel at the bottom of your browser. You can continue reading (and even search or navigate to different topics) while you compose your reply. To reply to a specific post in a topic, clicking the grey Reply button at the end of each post and your reply is linked to that post.
- If your reply is the next one published after the post you are replying to, this will appear next in chronological order.
- If yours is NOT next, then two things happen after your post is published:
- Your post will include a new link in its header with an image to show what this is 'in reply to' - clicking this link displays that previous post for context next to your reply
- The original post includes a count of replies at the bottom - clicking this link displays the content of the replies.
Can I receive email notifications when there is a new post?
- You can receive email notifications by setting your email preferences on the profile screen.
- Once logged in, go to the upper right and click on your profile image.
- Then click on the profile tab from the menu that appears.
- Go to Preferences, then Email.
- Adjust your email settings as desired from this page and hit "Save Changes".
How can I see latest posts?
- By default, the Bilingual Therapies Forum homepage will show all Latest conversations in the community but you can filter this list in a number of ways:
- By category: in the menu line, click the 'all categories' title and a list of all the categories appears.
- By tag: in the menu line, click the 'all tags' title and a list of all the tags are used will appear.
- By level of activity: if you click on 'Top' the conversation topics will be listed in order of most activity (views and replies) for a specific time period. You can choose whether this is for all time, or select a specific period such as quarter, month, week or just today.
- By what's 'New' to you: by default, new topics are those created in the last 2 days that you have not opened yet to keep the list fresh and relevant. New topics show a small blue dot next to the topic title
- By what topics are "Unread": by default, unread topics are those that you have previously opened and read for at least 4 minutes, and that have new posts (replies) submitted to them. Unread topics show a number in a blue circle indicating how many new posts are in the topic.
How do I reply to a thread?
- You can reply to a specific thread by clicking on the Reply button directly below and on the right of the thread.
What are categories?
- Consider the typical sections of a daily newspaper: Arts, Sports, Business, Travel, Local, and World. Any given article belongs to just one of those sections, and the content in each section is quite different, such that some people, for example, may only ever read the Sports or Business sections. These are what we call categories.
- Categories are established by staff for strong, distinct, and secure divisions between content. But when it comes to categories, more is not necessarily better. You can think of categories as walls. Four walls make a nice room, sixteen walls might even make a nice house. But a hundred walls would present an impenetrable maze.
- Categories are collectionsof topics.
- Access to categories can be restricted to particular groups.
What are tags?
- Tags, unlike the heavy walls of categories, are nimble, flexible and lightweight:
- You can have thousands of tags, even tens of thousands of them.
- Users, if you allow them to, can create their own tags to help organize things.
- Tags don't imply any kind of security "wall" or permissions.
- Multiple tags can apply to the same topic, even across categories. If you were running a music forum, you can tag a topic as both "Hip Hop" and "Electronica". But if you were using categories you'd have to choose one or the other!
How do I report a post or user in the forum?
- Flagging is a built-in moderation measure in The Bilingual Therapies Forum, intended to dissuade bad behavior and spam, as well as to promote civilized discourse. If you want to raise an issue about a post without derailing the topic at hand, the best course of action is usually to flag it.
- To flag a topic or post, click on the Flag button below the topic or post.
- By default, clicking the flag button will present a user with the following options:
Message @sam
I want to talk to this person directly and privately about their post. -
It's Off-Topic
This post is not relevant to the current discussion as defined by the title and first post and should probably be moved elsewhere.
I want to talk to this person directly and privately about their post. -
It's Inappropriate
This post contains content that a reasonable person would consider offensive, abusive, or a violation of our community guidelines. -
It's Spam
This post is an advertisement. It is not useful or relevant to the current topic, but promotional in nature. -
Something Else
This post requires moderator attention for another reason not listed above.
How do I ask a question in a forum?
- To ask a question in the forum, simply go to the homepage and click on the Ask a Question button. This will open the editor to create a new topic. Replace the prefilled "my new topic" with a title. And in the topic body, enter the question you would like to ask in the forum. Once complete, hit "Create Topic".
Who should I reach out to for additional support?
If you need additional support, please email [email protected].